Duke, Please Fail! Chapter 3

 Episode 3

Tom and Gerald nodded at Sophie's words. Tom spoke right away.

“I like forests, pastures and orchards. Sophie is a square, public facility, fence. Gerald does the brewery, the mill and the warehouse.”

To be precise, the supervisor's job is to manage and supervise the facilities and workers in the district, collect the relevant taxes, and keep them on the books.

My main job is to write a report based on that ledger and report it to Lionel.

Of course, it was my job to manage and supervise the fields, crops, and residents.

“Call me anytime if you need anything related to it.”

The three of them went back to their seats without hearing my answer.

I didn't even think that I was being ignored because everyone was so mortal. I passed them and entered the room inside.

‘Now what?’

In the past, I learned practical things by asking Sophie, Gerald, and Tom about this and that. But now that I have been working for three years, there is nothing to learn.

So I have one thing to do.

‘What am I going to do? I must take revenge on Lionel!’

There must be an effective way. An effective way to ruin the Duke and his reputation, but with no damage to my reputation and Lionel dying and unable to live.

It would be easier for the Duke to hold hands with someone who is stuck. Is there such a person among the Duke?

As I was thinking about it, a person's face flashed in my mind.

‘Pout Revav.’

The evaluation of him among Young Ji-min is as follows.

A bastard who wastes his life on alcohol and gambling. The only thing that a strong body knows how to do is fight against the cold!

Because of his conduct, the locals did not trust him, nor did he entrust him with work. He had an accident here and there, and he was often brought to trial.

But strangely, Lionel and the people around him were tolerant of him.

'Great. I'm entrusting Mr. Faut with the largest piece of land!'

If he doesn't work, then of course the farming in the land will be ruined. If you miss the timing, the big land will just be idle.

But the Duke is tolerant of Faut, so he won't punish him, right?

If you came here for the first time and didn't know about him, it wouldn't hurt my reputation.

'Great. Perfect!'

He got up from his seat and swung the door open. It sounded pretty loud. But everyone was working so they didn't even look at me.

I went out carefully so as not to interfere with my work.

Then I got on the wagon waiting nearby.

‘Mr. Faut drinks from the morning breeze, so he’s probably near a pub, right?’

Arriving in the village, I stood around a pub where there might be a pout.

Shortly thereafter, a hairy North Korean man came out with the smell of alcohol on his arm and chest.

Steps as if he was just about to end his life with his large size!

That's definitely my Mr. Faut. it's my assistant

"Excuse me!"


Faut raised his voice with his curly tongue and turned his body around. And he looked me up and down with very disrespectful eyes.

I felt dirty, but that's enough to feed the peacock some shit!

"What? Are you interested in me? Yes?"

Pout approached sarcastically. I nodded his head vigorously.

"Yeah. I am interested.”

Even though he gave the answer he wanted, Pout had a chewed expression on his face. He even took a step back.

I walked over to him and pulled out a metal plaque from his neck and showed it to him.

“I am the new manor of the estate.”

“That, that, that, what! You're going to send me to jail for saying something wrong, what?! uh?!"

“I will, Mr. Faut.”

After stomping on his feet and getting angry, he stopped moving and hiccuped.

I smiled and suggested to him.

“Would you like to work with me?”

Mr. Faut looked at me with a stupid face.

“…… Fuhahahaha!”

Then, suddenly, in a loud voice, he laughed at me.

"Hey. Are you saying you know who I am?”

Of course you know.

Duchess' bastard, arguing, cheating, drunkard, lazy!

Over the course of three years working, I have heard more than a dozen rumors that he has been brought to trial.

The first piece of advice I heard on my first day at work was also about Mr. Faut. He's a lazy, quarrelsome guy, so he'd never let him work.

In other words, it means that he is the person I need right now. The one who will destroy the land!

I couldn't hide my smile and nodded my head.

“Follow me, Mr. Faute.”

"What? Really? uh? Really?”

I quietly pushed him into the wagon and returned to the manor house.

As soon as I entered, the supervisors looked at me. He looked as if he had found someone with a ghost behind his back.

I showed them a converted smile and entered my office.

“Sit here, Mr. Faute.”

“I see. The young lady came for the first time and she doesn't seem to know what to do yet, so don't do anything you'll regret."

I didn't like it enough to want to beat a young lady.

But he will be my accomplice, so he graciously agreed to let me go.

“Here is the contract. I plan to entrust 5,000 pyeong of land to Mr. Faut.”

“What, what?”

“I’ll start right away tomorrow, and I’ll pay the wages first and get it back as a harvest later.”

“Are you going to pay me first?”

"Yeah. If you can't do it alone, you can use someone. However, you should only bring people you used to drink and hang out with.”

“Crazy, crazy!”

right. It's a really ridiculous condition, unless you intend to ruin the territory.

But I intend to ruin the estate.

“So, you won't? Are you getting money?”

“You must! Don't cry for me to leave later."

Mr. Faut stuck with the contract. Then he looked at me and jumped up from his seat.

Soon he left the kwanliso with a rough foot.

It's like I'm afraid I'll break the contract. I looked at his back and covered his mouth with my interlaced hands.

“Heh heh.”

A sinister laugh flowed from his teeth. I was even surprised to hear it.

Even though I was alone, I felt embarrassed. So I quickly captured my expression and put the contract in the drawer.

* * *

Late in the morning, Arett entered his office.

Levans, who had fallen asleep halfway through the papers, raised his head. Lionel, who was reviewing the report, also saw Arett.

Arett bowed his head in greeting and opened his mouth.

"dismissal. I have something to tell you.”


"The new manor custodian told Faout to do the cultivation today."

Levins raised his head and asked Arett.

“If it’s a pout, what about that pout?”


Lionel's expression, who had been listening quietly, changed unexpectedly.

Pout was originally a knight in the army commanded by Lionel. Along with Levins and Arett, Lionel fought closest.

During the war, Lionel heard reports that his close friend, Tatti Asson, who was closer than his family, was selling intelligence to enemy countries.

He couldn't kill an acquaintance just by looking at it. It took too long to confirm the facts, and the war was just as long.

Meanwhile, Faut's wife passed away.

‘If I had believed the report and carried out the execution, at least Faut could have saved his death.’

But there are also irreversible regrets.

When he returned to his hometown and learned that his wife had already been buried, Pout was devastated.

He did not participate in training after several months. He got drunk, got angry, and wandered.

Those who sympathized with Faut gradually turned their backs on them. He got angry and saw Tyler, but Pout couldn't avoid being a bum.

Then he was eventually expelled from the Knights Templar.

Lionel seemed to blame it all on me. He felt deeply guilty.

“Why do you need Pout?”

“That’s right. People around me would have warned you to avoid the pout, but it’s strange.”

Lionel brought Pout to work on several occasions. However, he couldn't stop drinking, and he often had friction with the manor of the estate.

But Pout wasn't Lionel's sore finger, no, it wasn't just a sore finger.

He was like a finger that was wriggling non-stop even though he had been cursed and broken.

He left the pout to the cultivation. That is also the manager of the estate, who is the first to go to work today.

It's like someone who knew from the beginning that Pout was Lionel's sore finger.


Lynn Lionel, who spoke low, jumped to his feet. Surprised Levins abruptly got up after him.

"Where are you going?"

“I am going to the manager.”

“Is this time? Are you crazy?”

Levins rushed out and blocked Lionel's front.

"It's not possible."

Arett helped out next to him.

"Yes. It is against chivalry to visit the lady's room at this hour.”

Lionel pushed Revans and Arett away at once.

“I am not a knight.”

Lionel lost his parents at the age of 14 and became a Duke. Colleagues saw an opportunity to kill him and claim his title.

He needed a place to turn to to live.

Lionel went to the queen and received protection in return for obeying her orders. So, from the age of 14, he followed the queen's orders to the battlefield.

Until then, he was a knight.

But after beheading the traitor who was once a close friend of mine, he abandoned chivalry.

Lionel was fed up with war. So a few years ago, he refused the Queen's order to compete.

She asked him the queen.

‘Did you know how to do anything other than cut people? If yes, prove it.’

The Queen ordered that the Duchy of Alterwood, which had been neglected by Lionel on the battlefield, be fertilized within seven years.

‘If the results are acceptable, I will not send them to the battlefield. But if I fail, I will punish you for your disobedience and put you to death.’

Lionel neither accepted nor refused. Because it was after her queen's heart had already hardened. He was obliged to follow.

And he had only five years left.

Lionel looked at his watch for a moment, then stepped back.

“The manor is also just a manor, not a lady.”

“It is almost four in the morning. It’s just crazy to go to someone at this hour!”

“I don’t mean to chat.”

“Then what, are you going to interrogate?”

“It’s not wrong. It may be the one that Prince Adelhard had planted to assassinate me.”


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